88 Years of Legacy 💛
On Jan 29th 1937, Our Selaiyur Hall was inaugurated, it's been 88 years of glory and spirit which makes me to be a Gentleman. 88 years of wisdom, proud, legacy, leadership, constitutional values, rational thinking, emotional bond, brotherhood and so on. These are just few, some have a bad impression on the system but when you understand the importance and the core values of this 88 years of legacy, they will change their perspective. From this place my first enemy fear said farewell to me and then my friend courage came in to my spirit. Firstly, i would like to thank my parents for letting me taking my own decision which turned into this college (MCC) I am always obliged to this great institution and my winsome Selaiyur Hall. Secondly my seniors who were my mentors, friends and family where they taught me great values, experience and leadership. Thirdly my awesome batch (includes adopted Selaiyurians) they are the one who gave me this place as my home...