Digital Ethics ✅
Graduation ceremony for an online course was a surprise for me and sharing that mgs in 1000+ members group by the Dean of International program was blessed. I was blessed that way.

Digital Ethics course was offered by Hong Kong Baptist University in collaboration with other association. I got to know about this course in the what's app which was admin by the Dean. I just give a try on that course which turned into a success.
After finishing my course, they organised a graduation ceremony for us through Zoom. I was very happy that day because of this and Kathir. After the ceremony, they said we will get the certificate by 20 days, as mentioned i got my certificate today. I am very to share some of my photos and the certificate to you people.
Thanks to Dr.Rufus who posted this course on the WhatsApp group. I am happy shared that, I am the only student representative from India, who completed this course.
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