After a long time visited the department for the first project review. It went well and i got signed from my project guide as well. Morning i was busy with my room arrangement.
Hall nights were actually fun and energetic, many starts their work after 9.00 PM. Morning's has it's own ecosystem and beautiful sun rise. I can't compare them in a vertical. Both as it's uniqueness.
After finishing my review, had some popsicles withy friend and my very own proof reader for my daily blogs. We used to have lot of lake sessions back in the US in which the we discussed the weekly events, people, etc.. Wonderful days.
Evening, i had a meeting in council room with prof. Gregary Emery from the University of Akron, US. Event was organised well and i narrate the vote of thanks. Tomorrow gonna be a great day as well.
Night never ends, travel never bored us (except travelling in the morning for the internship). See y'll on an another blog.
Untill then your Rizz....
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