Coffee ☕ or Tea 🍡

What do you prefer?

Coffee or Tea 

I would say that I like both, but it depends on the mood, weather, environment or sometimes availability of stocks.

But what's unique with these beverages?

In my perspective, both of them are unique in their own standards. When you want to focus, or sleepy, exam, work I would recommend coffee, as it has caffeine which helps us to keep awake. But intaking more caffeine is also an issue. Also, black coffee without sugar is the best part in coffee (Americano or Expresso) when you don't add sugar in any beverage, you can feel the real feeling of coffee. And this is how I became a coffee person.

Let me talk about my never-ending love towards Tea, T- Time E- Effort, A- Aroma. When you see the procedure to make a tea it's simple awesome, you need patience and sincere effort so that you can get the aroma of TEA. Yes, Tea needs some time to make not like coffee which can make instantly. Like as coffee, tea has various consistence which needs to be in proper proportion. When to have a tea, I would suggest you have tea when it rains and when you completely drenched, hill stations, wants to spend a nice evening with an amazing sunset. 

Some like normal tea, but you can try other varieties of tea (Ginger tea, Masala tea, Mint tea, Black tea, etc...), also if you want to get the fullest of tea, I suggest you to not add sugar in it. Just give a try, for the 1st time you will feel puke, but once you get used to it, then you start realizing the real taste and value of tea and coffee. 

Finally, whatever it is, I admire both Tea as well as Coffee. Tea makes me to feel something whereas Coffee makes me to focus on something. You need to have right place and right person to have a sip of both, as many businesses, friendship and love started by a tea chat or coffee date. 


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